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Primarily for Quests, this is the definition of properties related to the item if it is a quest and its various quest steps.


  • Schema Type: Definition
  • Type: object


Name Type Description
itemList DestinyItemSetBlockEntryDefinition:Definition[] A collection of hashes of set items, for items such as Quest Metadata items that possess this data.
requireOrderedSetItemAdd boolean If true, items in the set can only be added in increasing order, and adding an item will remove any previous item. For Quests, this is by necessity true. Only one quest step is present at a time, and previous steps are removed as you advance in the quest.
setIsFeatured boolean If true, the UI should treat this quest as "featured"
setType string A string identifier we can use to attempt to identify the category of the Quest.


    // Type: DestinyItemSetBlockEntryDefinition:Definition[]
    "itemList": [
       // Type: DestinyItemSetBlockEntryDefinition:Definition
            // Type: integer:int32
            "trackingValue": 0,
            // Type: Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition:integer:uint32
            "itemHash": 0
    // Type: boolean
    "requireOrderedSetItemAdd": false,
    // Type: boolean
    "setIsFeatured": false,
    // Type: string
    "setType": ""

