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A subclass of DestinyItemQuantity, that provides not just the item and its quantity but also information that BNet can - at some point - use internally to provide more robust runtime information about the item's qualities. If you want it, please ask! We're just out of time to wire it up right now. Or a clever person just may do it with our existing endpoints.


  • Schema Type: Definition
  • Type: object


Name Type Description
vendorHash Destiny.Definitions.DestinyVendorDefinition:integer:uint32:nullable The quest reward item may be associated with a vendor. If so, this is that vendor. Use this hash to look up the DestinyVendorDefinition.
vendorItemIndex integer:int32:nullable The quest reward item may be associated with a vendor. If so, this is the index of the item being sold, which we can use at runtime to find instanced item information for the reward item.
itemHash Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition:integer:uint32 The hash identifier for the item in question. Use it to look up the item's DestinyInventoryItemDefinition.
itemInstanceId integer:int64:nullable If this quantity is referring to a specific instance of an item, this will have the item's instance ID. Normally, this will be null.
quantity integer:int32 The amount of the item needed/available depending on the context of where DestinyItemQuantity is being used.


    // Type: Destiny.Definitions.DestinyVendorDefinition:integer:uint32:nullable
    "vendorHash": 0,
    // Type: integer:int32:nullable
    "vendorItemIndex": 0,
    // Type: Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition:integer:uint32
    "itemHash": 0,
    // Type: integer:int64:nullable
    "itemInstanceId": 0,
    // Type: integer:int32
    "quantity": 0

