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Represents a variant of an activity that's relevant to a milestone.


  • Schema Type: Class
  • Type: object


Name Type Description
activityHash integer:uint32 The hash identifier of this activity variant. Examine the activity's definition in the Manifest database to determine what makes it a distinct variant. Usually it will be difficulty level or whether or not it is a guided game variant of the activity, but theoretically it could be distinguished in any arbitrary way.
activityModeHash Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityModeDefinition:integer:uint32:nullable The hash identifier of the most specific Activity Mode under which this activity is played. This is useful for situations where the activity in question is - for instance - a PVP map, but it's not clear what mode the PVP map is being played under. If it's a playlist, this will be less specific: but hopefully useful in some way.
activityModeType integer:int32:nullable The enumeration equivalent of the most specific Activity Mode under which this activity is played.


    // Type: integer:uint32
    "activityHash": 0,
    // Type: Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityModeDefinition:integer:uint32:nullable
    "activityModeHash": 0,
    // Type: integer:int32:nullable
    "activityModeType": 0

