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If a character purchased an item that is refundable, a Vendor Receipt will be created on the user's Destiny Profile. These expire after a configurable period of time, but until then can be used to get refunds on items. BNet does not provide the ability to refund a purchase yet, but you know.


  • Schema Type: Class
  • Type: object


Name Type Description
currencyPaid DestinyItemQuantity[] The amount paid for the item, in terms of items that were consumed in the purchase and their quantity.
itemReceived DestinyItemQuantity The item that was received, and its quantity.
licenseUnlockHash integer:uint32 The unlock flag used to determine whether you still have the purchased item.
purchasedByCharacterId integer:int64 The ID of the character who made the purchase.
refundPolicy DestinyVendorItemRefundPolicy:Enum Whether you can get a refund, and what happens in order for the refund to be received. See the DestinyVendorItemRefundPolicy enum for details.
sequenceNumber integer:int32 The identifier of this receipt.
timeToExpiration integer:int64 The seconds since epoch at which this receipt is rendered invalid.
expiresOn string:date-time The date at which this receipt is rendered invalid.


    // Type: DestinyItemQuantity[]
    "currencyPaid": [
       // Type: DestinyItemQuantity
            // Type: Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition:integer:uint32
            "itemHash": 0,
            // Type: integer:int64:nullable
            "itemInstanceId": 0,
            // Type: integer:int32
            "quantity": 0
    // Type: DestinyItemQuantity
    "itemReceived": {},
    // Type: integer:uint32
    "licenseUnlockHash": 0,
    // Type: integer:int64
    "purchasedByCharacterId": 0,
    // Type: DestinyVendorItemRefundPolicy:Enum
    "refundPolicy": {},
    // Type: integer:int32
    "sequenceNumber": 0,
    // Type: integer:int64
    "timeToExpiration": 0,
    // Type: string:date-time
    "expiresOn": ""

