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  • Schema Type: Enum
  • Type: integer
  • Format: int64

Enum Values

Identifier Value Description
ReadBasicUserProfile 1 Read basic user profile information such as the user's handle, avatar icon, etc.
ReadGroups 2 Read Group/Clan Forums, Wall, and Members for groups and clans that the user has joined.
WriteGroups 4 Write Group/Clan Forums, Wall, and Members for groups and clans that the user has joined.
AdminGroups 8 Administer Group/Clan Forums, Wall, and Members for groups and clans that the user is a founder or an administrator.
BnetWrite 16 Create new groups, clans, and forum posts.
MoveEquipDestinyItems 32 Move or equip Destiny items
ReadDestinyInventoryAndVault 64 Read Destiny 1 Inventory and Vault contents. For Destiny 2, this scope is needed to read anything regarded as private. This is the only scope a Destiny 2 app needs for read operations against Destiny 2 data such as inventory, vault, currency, vendors, milestones, progression, etc.
ReadUserData 128 Read user data such as who they are web notifications, clan/group memberships, recent activity, muted users.
EditUserData 256 Edit user data such as preferred language, status, motto, avatar selection and theme.
ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors 512 Access vendor and advisor data specific to a user. OBSOLETE. This scope is only used on the Destiny 1 API.
ReadAndApplyTokens 1024 Read offer history and claim and apply tokens for the user.

