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Name Schema Required Description
X-API-Key string Yes When you have registered an Application at, you will receive an API key. You should pass it in via this header with every request.

Security (2)

Name Type Description
apiKey apiKey Every request requires an API key. To get an API key, register a new application at
oauth2 oauth2 For requests that require Authentication, you will need to have your users authenticate via our OAuth mechanisms. See for more details.

Schemas (454)

Manifest Definition Schemas

Name Description
Destiny.Definitions.ActivityModifiers.DestinyActivityModifierDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityModeDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityTypeDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyClassDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyDamageTypeDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyDestinationDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyFactionDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyFactionVendorDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyGenderDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryBucketDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyItemCategoryDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyLocationDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyObjectiveDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyPlaceDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyProgressionDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyRaceDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyRewardSourceDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinySandboxPerkDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyStatDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyStatGroupDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyTalentGridDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyUnlockDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.DestinyVendorDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.Director.DestinyActivityGraphDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.Items.DestinyItemTierTypeDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.Lore.DestinyLoreDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.Milestones.DestinyMilestoneDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.Progression.DestinyProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.Reporting.DestinyReportReasonCategoryDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.Sockets.DestinySocketCategoryDefinition Scope:
Destiny.Definitions.Sockets.DestinySocketTypeDefinition Scope:
Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions.DestinyHistoricalStatsDefinition Scope:

Definition Schemas

Name Manifest Description
DestinyActivityChallengeDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Represents a reference to a Challenge, which for now is just an Objective.
DestinyActivityGraphArtElementDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
These Art Elements are meant to represent one-off visual effects overlaid on the map. Currently, we do not have a pipeline to import the assets for these overlays, so this info exists as a placeholder for when such a pipeline exists (if it ever will)
DestinyActivityGraphConnectionDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
Nodes on a graph can be visually connected: this appears to be the information about which nodes to link. It appears to lack more detailed information, such as the path for that linking.
DestinyActivityGraphDisplayObjectiveDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
When a Graph needs to show active Objectives, this defines those objectives as well as an identifier.
DestinyActivityGraphDisplayProgressionDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
When a Graph needs to show active Progressions, this defines those objectives as well as an identifier.
DestinyActivityGraphListEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Destinations and Activities may have default Activity Graphs that should be shown when you bring up the Director and are playing in either. (truncated)
DestinyActivityGraphNodeActivityDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
The actual activity to be redirected to when you click on the node. Note that a node can have many Activities attached to it: but only one will be active at any given time. The list of Node Activities will be traversed, and the first one found to be active will be displayed. This way, a node can layer multiple variants of an activity on top of each other. For instance, one node can control the weekly Crucible Playlist. There are multiple possible playlists, but only one is active for the week.
DestinyActivityGraphNodeDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
This is the position and other data related to nodes in the activity graph that you can click to launch activities. An Activity Graph node will only have one active Activity at a time, which will determine the activity to be launched (and, unless overrideDisplay information is provided, will also determine the tooltip and other UI related to the node)
DestinyActivityGraphNodeFeaturingStateDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
Nodes can have different visual states. This object represents a single visual state ("highlight type") that a node can be in, and the unlock expression condition to determine whether it should be set.
DestinyActivityGuidedBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Guided Game information for this activity.
DestinyActivityMatchmakingBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Information about matchmaking and party size for the activity.
DestinyActivityModifierReferenceDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
A reference to an Activity Modifier from another entity, such as an Activity (for now, just Activities). (truncated)
DestinyActivityPlaylistItemDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
If the activity is a playlist, this is the definition for a specific entry in the playlist: a single possible combination of Activity and Activity Mode that can be chosen.
DestinyActivityRewardDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Activities can refer to one or more sets of tooltip-friendly reward data. These are the definitions for those tooltip friendly rewards.
DestinyActivityUnlockStringDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Represents a status string that could be conditionally displayed about an activity. Note that externally, you can only see the strings themselves. Internally we combine this information with server state to determine which strings should be shown.
DestinyAnimationReference Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Animations
DestinyBubbleDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Basic identifying data about the bubble. Combine with DestinyDestinationBubbleSettingDefinition - see DestinyDestinationDefinition.bubbleSettings for more information.
DestinyDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Provides common properties for destiny definitions.
DestinyDerivedItemCategoryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Items
A shortcut for the fact that some items have a "Preview Vendor" - See DestinyInventoryItemDefinition.preview.previewVendorHash - that is intended to be used to show what items you can get as a result of acquiring or using this item. (truncated)
DestinyDerivedItemDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Items
This is a reference to, and summary data for, a specific item that you can get as a result of Using or Acquiring some other Item (For example, this could be summary information for an Emote that you can get by opening an an Eververse Box) See DestinyDerivedItemCategoryDefinition for more information.
DestinyDestinationBubbleSettingDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Human readable data about the bubble. Combine with DestinyBubbleDefinition - see DestinyDestinationDefinition.bubbleSettings for more information.
DestinyDisplayCategoryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Display Categories are different from "categories" in that these are specifically for visual grouping and display of categories in Vendor UI. The "categories" structure is for validation of the contained items, and can be categorized entirely separately from "Display Categories", there need be and often will be no meaningful relationship between the two.
DestinyDisplayPropertiesDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Common
Many Destiny*Definition contracts - the "first order" entities of Destiny that have their own tables in the Manifest Database - also have displayable information. This is the base class for that display information.
DestinyEntitySearchResult Scope: Destiny.Definitions
The results of a search for Destiny content. This will be improved on over time, I've been doing some experimenting to see what might be useful.
DestinyEntitySearchResultItem Scope: Destiny.Definitions
An individual Destiny Entity returned from the entity search.
DestinyEquipmentSlotDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Characters can not only have Inventory buckets (containers of items that are generally matched by their type or functionality), they can also have Equipment Slots. (truncated)
DestinyEquippingBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Items that can be equipped define this block. It contains information we need to understand how and when the item can be equipped.
DestinyGearArtArrangementReference Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinyInsertPlugActionDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Sockets
Data related to what happens while a plug is being inserted, mostly for UI purposes.
DestinyInventoryItemStatDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Defines a specific stat value on an item, and the minimum/maximum range that we could compute for the item based on our heuristics for how the item might be generated. (truncated)
DestinyItemActionBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
If an item can have an action performed on it (like "Dismantle"), it will be defined here if you care.
DestinyItemActionRequiredItemDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
The definition of an item and quantity required in a character's inventory in order to perform an action.
DestinyItemCreationEntryLevelDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
An overly complicated wrapper for the item level at which the item should spawn.
DestinyItemGearsetBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
If an item has a related gearset, this is the list of items in that set, and an unlock expression that evaluates to a number representing the progress toward gearset completion (a very rare use for unlock expressions!)
DestinyItemInventoryBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
If the item can exist in an inventory - the overwhelming majority of them can and do - then this is the basic properties regarding the item's relationship with the inventory.
DestinyItemInvestmentStatDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Represents a "raw" investment stat, before calculated stats are calculated and before any DestinyStatGroupDefinition is applied to transform the stat into something closer to what you see in-game. (truncated)
DestinyItemObjectiveBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
An item can have objectives on it. In practice, these are the exclusive purview of "Quest Step" items: DestinyInventoryItemDefinitions that represent a specific step in a Quest. (truncated)
DestinyItemPerkEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
An intrinsic perk on an item, and the requirements for it to be activated.
DestinyItemPlugDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Items
If an item is a Plug, its DestinyInventoryItemDefinition.plug property will be populated with an instance of one of these bad boys. (truncated)
DestinyItemPreviewBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Items like Sacks or Boxes can have items that it shows in-game when you view details that represent the items you can obtain if you use or acquire the item. (truncated)
DestinyItemQualityBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
An item's "Quality" determines its calculated stats. The Level at which the item spawns is combined with its "qualityLevel" along with some additional calculations to determine the value of those stats. (truncated)
DestinyItemSackBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Some items are "sacks" - they can be "opened" to produce other items. This is information related to its sack status, mostly UI strings. Engrams are an example of items that are considered to be "Sacks".
DestinyItemSetBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Primarily for Quests, this is the definition of properties related to the item if it is a quest and its various quest steps.
DestinyItemSetBlockEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Defines a particular entry in an ItemSet (AKA a particular Quest Step in a Quest)
DestinyItemSocketBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
If defined, the item has at least one socket.
DestinyItemSocketCategoryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Sockets are grouped into categories in the UI. These define which category and which sockets are under that category.
DestinyItemSocketEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
The definition information for a specific socket on an item. This will determine how the socket behaves in-game.
DestinyItemSocketEntryPlugItemDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
The definition of a known, reusable plug that can be applied to a socket.
DestinyItemSourceBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Data about an item's "sources": ways that the item can be obtained.
DestinyItemSourceDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Sources
Properties of a DestinyInventoryItemDefinition that store all of the information we were able to discern about how the item spawns, and where you can find the item. (truncated)
DestinyItemStatBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Information about the item's calculated stats, with as much data as we can find for the stats without having an actual instance of the item. (truncated)
DestinyItemSummaryBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This appears to be information used when rendering rewards. We don't currently use it on BNet.
DestinyItemTalentGridBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This defines information that can only come from a talent grid on an item. Items mostly have negligible talent grid data these days, but instanced items still retain grids as a source for some of this common information. (truncated)
DestinyItemTierTypeInfusionBlock Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Items
DestinyItemTranslationBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This Block defines the rendering data associated with the item, if any.
DestinyItemValueBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This defines an item's "Value". Unfortunately, this appears to be used in different ways depending on the way that the item itself is used. (truncated)
DestinyLinkedGraphDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
This describes links between the current graph and others, as well as when that link is relevant.
DestinyLinkedGraphEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Director
DestinyLocationReleaseDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
A specific "spot" referred to by a location. Only one of these can be active at a time for a given Location.
DestinyMaterialRequirement Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Many actions relating to items require you to expend materials: - Activating a talent node - Inserting a plug into a socket The items will refer to material requirements by a materialRequirementsHash in these cases, and this is the definition for those requirements in terms of the item required, how much of it is required and other interesting info. This is one of the rare/strange times where a single contract class is used both in definitions and in live data response contracts. I'm not sure yet whether I regret that.
DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Represent a set of material requirements: Items that either need to be owned or need to be consumed in order to perform an action. (truncated)
DestinyMilestoneActivityDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
Milestones can have associated activities which provide additional information about the context, challenges, modifiers, state etc... related to this Milestone. (truncated)
DestinyMilestoneActivityVariantDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
Represents a variant on an activity for a Milestone: a specific difficulty tier, or a specific activity variant for example. (truncated)
DestinyMilestoneQuestDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
Any data we need to figure out whether this Quest Item is the currently active one for the conceptual Milestone. Even just typing this description, I already regret it.
DestinyMilestoneQuestRewardItem Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
A subclass of DestinyItemQuantity, that provides not just the item and its quantity but also information that BNet can - at some point - use internally to provide more robust runtime information about the item's qualities. (truncated)
DestinyMilestoneQuestRewardsDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
If rewards are given in a quest - as opposed to overall in the entire Milestone - there's way less to track. We're going to simplify this contract as a result. However, this also gives us the opportunity to potentially put more than just item information into the reward data if we're able to mine it out in the future. Remember this if you come back and ask "why are quest reward items nested inside of their own class?"
DestinyMilestoneRewardCategoryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
The definition of a category of rewards, that contains many individual rewards.
DestinyMilestoneRewardEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
The definition of a specific reward, which may be contained in a category of rewards and that has optional information about how it is obtained.
DestinyMilestoneValueDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
The definition for information related to a key/value pair that is relevant for a particular Milestone or component within the Milestone. (truncated)
DestinyMilestoneVendorDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
If the Milestone or a component has vendors whose inventories could/should be displayed that are relevant to it, this will return the vendor in question. (truncated)
DestinyNodeActivationRequirement Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Talent nodes have requirements that must be met before they can be activated. (truncated)
DestinyNodeSocketReplaceResponse Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This is a bit of an odd duck. Apparently, if talent nodes steps have this data, the game will go through on step activation and alter the first Socket it finds on the item that has a type matching the given socket type, inserting the indicated plug item.
DestinyNodeStepDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This defines the properties of a "Talent Node Step". When you see a talent node in game, the actual visible properties that you see (its icon, description, the perks and stats it provides) are not provided by the Node itself, but rather by the currently active Step on the node. (truncated)
DestinyObjectivePerkEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Defines the conditions under which an intrinsic perk is applied while participating in an Objective. (truncated)
DestinyObjectiveStatEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Defines the conditions under which stat modifications will be applied to a Character while participating in an objective.
DestinyPlugRuleDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Items
Dictates a rule around whether the plug is enabled or insertable. (truncated)
DestinyPlugWhitelistEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Sockets
Defines a plug "Category" that is allowed to be plugged into a socket of this type. (truncated)
DestinyPositionDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Common
DestinyProgressionDisplayPropertiesDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinyProgressionMappingDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Aggregations of multiple progressions. (truncated)
DestinyProgressionRewardDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Inventory Items can reward progression when actions are performed on them. A common example of this in Destiny 1 was Bounties, which would reward Experience on your Character and the like when you completed the bounty. (truncated)
DestinyProgressionStepDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This defines a single Step in a progression (which roughly equates to a level. See DestinyProgressionDefinition for caveats).
DestinyReportReasonDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Reporting
A specific reason for being banned. Only accessible under the related category (DestinyReportReasonCategoryDefinition) under which it is shown. Note that this means that report reasons' reasonHash are not globally unique: and indeed, entries like "Other" are defined under most categories for example.
DestinyStatDisplayDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Describes the way that an Item Stat (see DestinyStatDefinition) is transformed using the DestinyStatGroupDefinition related to that item. See both of the aforementioned definitions for more information about the stages of stat transformation. (truncated)
DestinyStatOverrideDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Stat Groups (DestinyStatGroupDefinition) has the ability to override the localized text associated with stats that are to be shown on the items with which they are associated. (truncated)
DestinyTalentExclusiveGroup Scope: Destiny.Definitions
As of Destiny 2, nodes can exist as part of "Exclusive Groups". These differ from exclusive sets in that, within the group, many nodes can be activated. But the act of activating any node in the group will cause "opposing" nodes (nodes in groups that are not allowed to be activated at the same time as this group) to deactivate.
DestinyTalentNodeCategory Scope: Destiny.Definitions
An artificial construct provided by Bungie.Net, where we attempt to group talent nodes by functionality. (truncated)
DestinyTalentNodeDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Talent Grids on items have Nodes. These nodes have positions in the talent grid's UI, and contain "Steps" (DestinyTalentNodeStepDefinition), one of whom will be the "Current" step. (truncated)
DestinyTalentNodeExclusiveSetDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
The list of indexes into the Talent Grid's "nodes" property for nodes in this exclusive set. (See DestinyTalentNodeDefinition.nodeIndex)
DestinyTalentNodeStepGroups Scope: Destiny.Definitions
These properties are an attempt to categorize talent node steps by certain common properties. See the related enumerations for the type of properties being categorized.
DestinyUnlockExpressionDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Where the sausage gets made. Unlock Expressions are the foundation of the game's gating mechanics and investment-related restrictions. They can test Unlock Flags and Unlock Values for certain states, using a sufficient amount of logical operators such that unlock expressions are effectively Turing complete. (truncated)
DestinyVendorAcceptedItemDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
If you ever wondered how the Vault works, here it is. (truncated)
DestinyVendorActionDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
If a vendor can ever end up performing actions, these are the properties that will be related to those actions. I'm not going to bother documenting this yet, as it is unused and unclear if it will ever be used... but in case it is ever populated and someone finds it useful, it is defined here.
DestinyVendorCategoryEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This is the definition for a single Vendor Category, into which Sale Items are grouped.
DestinyVendorCategoryOverlayDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
The details of an overlay prompt to show to a user. They are all fairly self-explanatory localized strings that can be shown.
DestinyVendorDisplayPropertiesDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinyVendorInteractionDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
A Vendor Interaction is a dialog shown by the vendor other than sale items or transfer screens. The vendor is showing you something, and asking you to reply to it by choosing an option or reward.
DestinyVendorInteractionReplyDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
When the interaction is replied to, Reward sites will fire and items potentially selected based on whether the given unlock expression is TRUE. (truncated)
DestinyVendorInteractionSackEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Compare this sackType to the sack identifier in the DestinyInventoryItemDefinition.vendorSackType property of items. If they match, show this sack with this interaction.
DestinyVendorInventoryFlyoutBucketDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Information about a single inventory bucket in a vendor flyout UI and how it is shown.
DestinyVendorInventoryFlyoutDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
The definition for an "inventory flyout": a UI screen where we show you part of an otherwise hidden vendor inventory: like the Vault inventory buckets.
DestinyVendorItemDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
This represents an item being sold by the vendor.
DestinyVendorRequirementDisplayEntryDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
The localized properties of the requirementsDisplay, allowing information about the requirement or item being featured to be seen.
DestinyVendorSaleItemActionBlockDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
Not terribly useful, some basic cooldown interaction info.
DestinyVendorServiceDefinition Scope: Destiny.Definitions
When a vendor provides services, this is the localized name of those services.

Enum Schemas

Name Description
ActivityGraphNodeHighlightType Scope: Destiny
ApplicationScopes Scope: Applications
BucketCategory Scope: Destiny
BucketScope Scope: Destiny
BungieMembershipType Scope:
Capabilities Scope: GroupsV2
ChatSecuritySetting Scope: GroupsV2
CommunityContentSortMode Scope: Forum
CommunityStatusSort Scope: Community
ComponentPrivacySetting Scope: Components
DamageType Scope: Destiny
DefinitionType Scope: Destiny
DestinyActivityDifficultyTier Scope: Destiny
DestinyActivityModeCategory Scope: Destiny
DestinyActivityModeType Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions
DestinyActivityNavPointType Scope: Destiny
DestinyClass Scope: Destiny
DestinyComponentType Scope: Destiny
DestinyGameVersions Scope: Destiny
DestinyGatingScope Scope: Destiny
DestinyGender Scope: Destiny
DestinyItemSortType Scope: Destiny
DestinyItemSubType Scope: Destiny
DestinyItemType Scope: Destiny
DestinyMilestoneType Scope: Destiny.Definitions.Milestones
DestinyObjectiveGrantStyle Scope: Destiny
DestinyProgressionScope Scope: Destiny
DestinyProgressionStepDisplayEffect Scope: Destiny
DestinyRace Scope: Destiny
DestinyRewardSourceCategory Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinySocketVisibility Scope: Destiny
DestinyStatAggregationType Scope: Destiny
DestinyStatsCategoryType Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions
DestinyStatsGroupType Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions
DestinyStatsMergeMethod Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions
DestinyTalentNodeState Scope: Destiny
DestinyTalentNodeStepDamageTypes Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinyTalentNodeStepGuardianAttributes Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinyTalentNodeStepImpactEffects Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinyTalentNodeStepLightAbilities Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinyTalentNodeStepWeaponPerformances Scope: Destiny.Definitions
DestinyUnlockValueUIStyle Scope: Destiny
DestinyVendorInteractionRewardSelection Scope: Destiny
DestinyVendorItemRefundPolicy Scope: Destiny
DestinyVendorReplyType Scope: Destiny
EquipFailureReason Scope: Destiny
EquippingItemBlockAttributes Scope: Destiny
ForumFlagsEnum Scope: Forum
ForumMediaType Scope: Forum
ForumPostCategoryEnums Scope: Forum
ForumPostPopularity Scope: Forum
ForumPostSortEnum Scope: Forum
ForumRecruitmentIntensityLabel Scope: Forum
ForumRecruitmentToneLabel Scope: Forum
ForumTopicsCategoryFiltersEnum Scope: Forum
ForumTopicsQuickDateEnum Scope: Forum
ForumTopicsSortEnum Scope: Forum
GroupAllianceStatus Scope: GroupsV2
GroupApplicationResolveState Scope: GroupsV2
GroupDateRange Scope: GroupsV2
GroupHomepage Scope: GroupsV2
GroupMemberCountFilter Scope: GroupsV2
GroupPostPublicity Scope: GroupsV2
GroupPotentialMemberStatus Scope: GroupsV2
GroupsForMemberFilter Scope: GroupsV2
GroupSortBy Scope: GroupsV2
GroupType Scope: GroupsV2
HostGuidedGamesPermissionLevel Scope: GroupsV2
IgnoreLength Scope: Ignores
IgnoreStatus Scope: Ignores
ItemBindStatus Scope: Destiny
ItemLocation Scope: Destiny
ItemState Scope: Destiny
MembershipOption Scope: GroupsV2
PartnershipType Scope: Partnerships
PeriodType Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions
PeriodType Scope: Destiny
PlatformErrorCodes Scope: Exceptions
RuntimeGroupMemberType Scope: GroupsV2
SpecialItemType Scope: Destiny
TierType Scope: Destiny
TransferStatuses Scope: Destiny
TrendingEntryType Scope: Trending
UnitType Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions
VendorItemStatus Scope: Destiny

Class Schemas

Name Description
ClanBanner Scope: GroupsV2
CommentSummary Scope: Content
CommunityLiveStatus Scope: Community
ComponentResponse Scope: Components
ContentItemPublicContract Scope: Content
ContentRepresentation Scope: Content
DateRange Scope: Dates
DestinyActionRequest Scope: Destiny.Requests.Actions
DestinyActivity Scope: Destiny
DestinyActivityHistoryResults Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyAggregateActivityResults Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyAggregateActivityStats Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyChallengeStatus Scope: Destiny.Challenges
DestinyCharacterActionRequest Scope: Destiny.Requests.Actions
DestinyCharacterActivitiesComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Characters
DestinyCharacterComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Characters
DestinyCharacterCustomization Scope: Destiny.Character
DestinyCharacterPeerView Scope: Destiny.Character
DestinyCharacterProgressionComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Characters
DestinyCharacterRenderComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Characters
DestinyCharacterResponse Scope: Destiny.Responses
DestinyClanAggregateStat Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyColor Scope: Destiny.Misc
DestinyEquipItemResult Scope: Destiny
DestinyEquipItemResults Scope: Destiny
DestinyFactionProgression Scope: Destiny.Progression
DestinyHistoricalStatsAccountResult Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalStatsActivity Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalStatsByPeriod Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalStatsPerCharacter Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalStatsPeriodGroup Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalStatsResults Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalStatsValue Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalStatsValuePair Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalStatsWithMerged Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalWeaponStats Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyHistoricalWeaponStatsData Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyInventoryComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Inventory
DestinyItemActionRequest Scope: Destiny.Requests.Actions
DestinyItemComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemInstanceComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemObjectivesComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemPeerView Scope: Destiny.Character
DestinyItemPerksComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemPlugComponent Scope: Destiny.Components.Items
DestinyItemQuantity Scope: Destiny
DestinyItemRenderComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemResponse Scope: Destiny.Responses
DestinyItemSetActionRequest Scope: Destiny.Requests.Actions
DestinyItemSocketsComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemSocketState Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemStateRequest Scope: Destiny.Requests.Actions
DestinyItemStatsComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemTalentGridComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Items
DestinyItemTransferRequest Scope: Destiny.Requests
DestinyKioskItem Scope: Destiny.Components.Kiosks
DestinyKiosksComponent Scope: Destiny.Components.Kiosks
DestinyLeaderboard Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyLeaderboardEntry Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyLeaderboardResults Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyManifest Scope: Destiny.Config
DestinyMilestone Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneActivity Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneActivityCompletionStatus Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneActivityPhase Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneActivityVariant Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneContent Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneContentItemCategory Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneQuest Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneRewardCategory Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneRewardEntry Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyMilestoneVendor Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyObjectiveProgress Scope: Destiny.Quests
DestinyPerkReference Scope: Destiny.Perks
DestinyPlayer Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyPostGameCarnageReportData Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyPostGameCarnageReportEntry Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyPostGameCarnageReportExtendedData Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyPostGameCarnageReportTeamEntry Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats
DestinyPostmasterTransferRequest Scope: Destiny.Requests.Actions
DestinyProfileComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Profiles
DestinyProfileResponse Scope: Destiny.Responses
DestinyProgression Scope: Destiny
DestinyPublicActivityStatus Scope: Destiny.Activities
DestinyPublicMilestone Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyPublicMilestoneActivity Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyPublicMilestoneActivityVariant Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyPublicMilestoneChallenge Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyPublicMilestoneQuest Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyPublicMilestoneVendor Scope: Destiny.Milestones
DestinyQuestStatus Scope: Destiny.Quests
DestinyStat Scope: Destiny
DestinyTalentNode Scope: Destiny
DestinyTalentNodeStatBlock Scope: Destiny
DestinyUnlockStatus Scope: Destiny
DestinyVendorCategoriesComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Vendors
DestinyVendorCategory Scope: Destiny.Entities.Vendors
DestinyVendorComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Vendors
DestinyVendorReceipt Scope: Destiny.Vendors
DestinyVendorReceiptsComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Profiles
DestinyVendorResponse Scope: Destiny.Responses
DestinyVendorSaleItemComponent Scope: Destiny.Entities.Vendors
DestinyVendorSaleItemSetComponent Scope: Destiny.Components.Vendors
DestinyVendorsResponse Scope: Destiny.Responses
DyeReference Scope: Destiny
EntityActionResult Scope: Entities
ForumRecruitmentDetail Scope: Forum
GearAssetDataBaseDefinition Scope: Destiny.Config
GeneralUser Scope: User
GroupAction Scope: GroupsV2
GroupApplicationListRequest Scope: GroupsV2
GroupApplicationRequest Scope: GroupsV2
GroupApplicationResponse Scope: GroupsV2
GroupBan Scope: GroupsV2
GroupBanRequest Scope: GroupsV2
GroupCreationResponse Scope: GroupsV2
GroupEditAction Scope: GroupsV2
GroupFeatures Scope: GroupsV2
GroupMember Scope: GroupsV2
GroupMemberApplication Scope: GroupsV2
GroupMemberLeaveResult Scope: GroupsV2
GroupMembership Scope: GroupsV2
GroupMembershipBase Scope: GroupsV2
GroupMembershipSearchResponse Scope: GroupsV2
GroupOptionalConversation Scope: GroupsV2
GroupOptionalConversationAddRequest Scope: GroupsV2
GroupOptionalConversationEditRequest Scope: GroupsV2
GroupOptionsEditAction Scope: GroupsV2
GroupPotentialMember Scope: GroupsV2
GroupPotentialMembership Scope: GroupsV2
GroupPotentialMembershipSearchResponse Scope: GroupsV2
GroupQuery Scope: GroupsV2
GroupResponse Scope: GroupsV2
GroupSearchResponse Scope: GroupsV2
GroupTheme Scope: Config
GroupUserBase Scope: GroupsV2
GroupV2 Scope: GroupsV2
GroupV2Card Scope: GroupsV2
GroupV2ClanInfo Scope: GroupsV2
GroupV2ClanInfoAndInvestment Scope: GroupsV2
HyperlinkReference Scope: Links
IgnoreResponse Scope: Ignores
InterpolationPoint Scope: Interpolation
InterpolationPointFloat Scope: Interpolation
PagedQuery Scope: Queries
PollResponse Scope: Forum
PollResult Scope: Forum
PostResponse Scope: Forum
PostSearchResponse Scope: Forum
PublicPartnershipDetail Scope: Partnerships
SaveMessageResult Scope: Messages.Responses
SearchDestinyPlayer Scope: Destiny
SearchResult Scope: Queries
TagResponse Scope: Tags.Models.Contracts
TrendingCategories Scope: Trending
TrendingCategory Scope: Trending
TrendingDetail Scope: Trending
TrendingEntry Scope: Trending
TrendingEntryCommunityCreation Scope: Trending
TrendingEntryCommunityStream Scope: Trending
TrendingEntryDestinyActivity Scope: Trending
TrendingEntryDestinyItem Scope: Trending
TrendingEntryDestinyRitual Scope: Trending
TrendingEntryNews Scope: Trending
TrendingEntrySupportArticle Scope: Trending
UserAlias Scope: User.Models
UserInfoCard Scope: User
UserMembership Scope: User
UserMembershipData Scope: User
UserTheme Scope: Config
UserToUserContext Scope: User

Array Schemas

Name Description
BungieMembershipType[] Scope:
DestinyActivityModeType[] Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions
PeriodType[] Scope: Destiny.HistoricalStats.Definitions

Generic Class Schemas

Name Description
Destiny.Reporting.Requests.DestinyReportOffensePgcrRequest Scope:
DestinyItemComponentSetOfint32 Scope:
DestinyItemComponentSetOfint64 Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint32AndDestinyItemInstanceComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint32AndDestinyItemObjectivesComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint32AndDestinyItemPerksComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint32AndDestinyItemRenderComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint32AndDestinyItemSocketsComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint32AndDestinyItemStatsComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint32AndDestinyItemTalentGridComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint32AndDestinyVendorSaleItemComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyCharacterActivitiesComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyCharacterComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyCharacterProgressionComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyCharacterRenderComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyInventoryComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyItemInstanceComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyItemObjectivesComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyItemPerksComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyItemRenderComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyItemSocketsComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyItemStatsComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyItemTalentGridComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfint64AndDestinyKiosksComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfuint32AndDestinyItemPlugComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfuint32AndDestinyVendorCategoriesComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfuint32AndDestinyVendorComponent Scope:
DictionaryComponentResponseOfuint32AndDestinyVendorSaleItemSetComponent Scope:
SearchResultOfCommunityLiveStatus Scope:
SearchResultOfDestinyEntitySearchResultItem Scope:
SearchResultOfGroupBan Scope:
SearchResultOfGroupMember Scope:
SearchResultOfGroupMemberApplication Scope:
SearchResultOfGroupMembership Scope:
SearchResultOfGroupPotentialMembership Scope:
SearchResultOfGroupV2Card Scope:
SearchResultOfPostResponse Scope:
SearchResultOfTrendingEntry Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyCharacterActivitiesComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyCharacterComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyCharacterProgressionComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyCharacterRenderComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyInventoryComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyItemComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyItemInstanceComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyItemObjectivesComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyItemPerksComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyItemRenderComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyItemSocketsComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyItemStatsComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyItemTalentGridComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyKiosksComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyProfileComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyVendorCategoriesComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyVendorComponent Scope:
SingleComponentResponseOfDestinyVendorReceiptsComponent Scope: