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If an item is a Plug, its DestinyInventoryItemDefinition.plug property will be populated with an instance of one of these bad boys. This gives information about when it can be inserted, what the plug's category is (and thus whether it is compatible with a socket... see DestinySocketTypeDefinition for information about Plug Categories and socket compatibility), whether it is enabled and other Plug info.


  • Schema Type: Definition
  • Type: object


Name Type Description
insertionRules DestinyPlugRuleDefinition:Definition[] The rules around when this plug can be inserted into a socket, aside from the socket's individual restrictions. The live data DestinyItemPlugComponent.insertFailIndexes will be an index into this array, so you can pull out the failure strings appropriate for the user.
plugCategoryIdentifier string The string identifier for the plug's category. Use the socket's DestinySocketTypeDefinition.plugWhitelist to determine whether this plug can be inserted into the socket.
plugCategoryHash integer:uint32 The hash for the plugCategoryIdentifier. You can use this instead if you wish: I put both in the definition for debugging purposes.
onActionRecreateSelf boolean If you successfully socket the item, this will determine whether or not you get "refunded" on the plug.
insertionMaterialRequirementHash DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition:Definition:integer:uint32 If inserting this plug requires materials, this is the hash identifier for looking up the DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition for those requirements.
previewItemOverrideHash Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition:integer:uint32 In the game, if you're inspecting a plug item directly, this will be the item shown with the plug attached. Look up the DestinyInventoryItemDefinition for this hash for the item.
enabledMaterialRequirementHash DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition:Definition:integer:uint32 It's not enough for the plug to be inserted. It has to be enabled as well. For it to be enabled, it may require materials. This is the hash identifier for the DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition for those requirements, if there is one.
enabledRules DestinyPlugRuleDefinition:Definition[] The rules around whether the plug, once inserted, is enabled and providing its benefits. The live data DestinyItemPlugComponent.enableFailIndexes will be an index into this array, so you can pull out the failure strings appropriate for the user.


    // Type: DestinyPlugRuleDefinition:Definition[]
    "insertionRules": [
       // Type: DestinyPlugRuleDefinition:Definition
            // Type: string
            "failureMessage": ""
    // Type: string
    "plugCategoryIdentifier": "",
    // Type: integer:uint32
    "plugCategoryHash": 0,
    // Type: boolean
    "onActionRecreateSelf": false,
    // Type: DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition:Definition:integer:uint32
    "insertionMaterialRequirementHash": 0,
    // Type: Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition:integer:uint32
    "previewItemOverrideHash": 0,
    // Type: DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition:Definition:integer:uint32
    "enabledMaterialRequirementHash": 0,
    // Type: DestinyPlugRuleDefinition:Definition[]
    "enabledRules": [
       // Type: DestinyPlugRuleDefinition:Definition
            // Type: string
            "failureMessage": ""

