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The type of milestone. Milestones can be Tutorials, one-time/triggered/non-repeating but not necessarily tutorials, or Repeating Milestones.


  • Schema Type: Enum
  • Type: integer
  • Format: int32

Enum Values

Identifier Value Description
Unknown 0  
Tutorial 1 One-time milestones that are specifically oriented toward teaching players about new mechanics and gameplay modes.
OneTime 2 Milestones that, once completed a single time, can never be repeated.
Weekly 3 Milestones that repeat/reset on a weekly basis. They need not all reset on the same day or time, but do need to reset weekly to qualify for this type.
Daily 4 Milestones that repeat or reset on a daily basis.
Special 5 Special indicates that the event is not on a daily/weekly cadence, but does occur more than once. For instance, Iron Banner in Destiny 1 or the Dawning were examples of what could be termed "Special" events.

