This page was generated with Wiki Builder. Do not change the format!
- Schema Type: Enum
- Type: integer
- Format: int32
Enum Values
Identifier | Value | Description |
None | 0 | |
Success | 1 | |
TransportException | 2 | |
UnhandledException | 3 | |
NotImplemented | 4 | |
SystemDisabled | 5 | |
FailedToLoadAvailableLocalesConfiguration | 6 | |
ParameterParseFailure | 7 | |
ParameterInvalidRange | 8 | |
BadRequest | 9 | |
AuthenticationInvalid | 10 | |
DataNotFound | 11 | |
InsufficientPrivileges | 12 | |
Duplicate | 13 | |
UnknownSqlResult | 14 | Deprecated, please do not check for this value anywhere. |
ValidationError | 15 | |
ValidationMissingFieldError | 16 | |
ValidationInvalidInputError | 17 | |
InvalidParameters | 18 | |
ParameterNotFound | 19 | |
UnhandledHttpException | 20 | |
NotFound | 21 | |
WebAuthModuleAsyncFailed | 22 | |
InvalidReturnValue | 23 | |
UserBanned | 24 | |
InvalidPostBody | 25 | |
MissingPostBody | 26 | |
ExternalServiceTimeout | 27 | |
ValidationLengthError | 28 | |
ValidationRangeError | 29 | |
JsonDeserializationError | 30 | |
ThrottleLimitExceeded | 31 | |
ValidationTagError | 32 | |
ValidationProfanityError | 33 | |
ValidationUrlFormatError | 34 | |
ThrottleLimitExceededMinutes | 35 | |
ThrottleLimitExceededMomentarily | 36 | |
ThrottleLimitExceededSeconds | 37 | |
ExternalServiceUnknown | 38 | |
ValidationWordLengthError | 39 | |
ValidationInvisibleUnicode | 40 | |
ValidationBadNames | 41 | |
ExternalServiceFailed | 42 | |
ServiceRetired | 43 | |
UnknownSqlException | 44 | |
UnsupportedLocale | 45 | |
InvalidPageNumber | 46 | |
MaximumPageSizeExceeded | 47 | |
ServiceUnsupported | 48 | |
ValidationMaximumUnicodeCombiningCharacters | 49 | |
ValidationMaximumSequentialCarriageReturns | 50 | |
PerEndpointRequestThrottleExceeded | 51 | |
AuthContextCacheAssertion | 52 | |
ExPlatformStringValidationError | 53 | |
ObsoleteCredentialType | 89 | |
UnableToUnPairMobileApp | 90 | |
UnableToPairMobileApp | 91 | |
CannotUseMobileAuthWithNonMobileProvider | 92 | |
MissingDeviceCookie | 93 | |
FacebookTokenExpired | 94 | |
AuthTicketRequired | 95 | |
CookieContextRequired | 96 | |
UnknownAuthenticationError | 97 | |
BungieNetAccountCreationRequired | 98 | |
WebAuthRequired | 99 | |
ContentUnknownSqlResult | 100 | |
ContentNeedUniquePath | 101 | |
ContentSqlException | 102 | |
ContentNotFound | 103 | |
ContentSuccessWithTagAddFail | 104 | |
ContentSearchMissingParameters | 105 | |
ContentInvalidId | 106 | |
ContentPhysicalFileDeletionError | 107 | |
ContentPhysicalFileCreationError | 108 | |
ContentPerforceSubmissionError | 109 | |
ContentPerforceInitializationError | 110 | |
ContentDeploymentPackageNotReadyError | 111 | |
ContentUploadFailed | 112 | |
ContentTooManyResults | 113 | |
ContentInvalidState | 115 | |
ContentNavigationParentNotFound | 116 | |
ContentNavigationParentUpdateError | 117 | |
DeploymentPackageNotEditable | 118 | |
ContentValidationError | 119 | |
ContentPropertiesValidationError | 120 | |
ContentTypeNotFound | 121 | |
DeploymentPackageNotFound | 122 | |
ContentSearchInvalidParameters | 123 | |
ContentItemPropertyAggregationError | 124 | |
DeploymentPackageFileNotFound | 125 | |
ContentPerforceFileHistoryNotFound | 126 | |
ContentAssetZipCreationFailure | 127 | |
ContentAssetZipCreationBusy | 128 | |
ContentProjectNotFound | 129 | |
ContentFolderNotFound | 130 | |
ContentPackagesInconsistent | 131 | |
ContentPackagesInvalidState | 132 | |
ContentPackagesInconsistentType | 133 | |
ContentCannotDeletePackage | 134 | |
ContentLockedForChanges | 135 | |
ContentFileUploadFailed | 136 | |
ContentNotReviewed | 137 | |
ContentPermissionDenied | 138 | |
ContentInvalidExternalUrl | 139 | |
ContentExternalFileCannotBeImportedLocally | 140 | |
ContentTagSaveFailure | 141 | |
ContentPerforceUnmatchedFileError | 142 | |
ContentPerforceChangelistResultNotFound | 143 | |
ContentPerforceChangelistFileItemsNotFound | 144 | |
ContentPerforceInvalidRevisionError | 145 | |
ContentUnloadedSaveResult | 146 | |
ContentPropertyInvalidNumber | 147 | |
ContentPropertyInvalidUrl | 148 | |
ContentPropertyInvalidDate | 149 | |
ContentPropertyInvalidSet | 150 | |
ContentPropertyCannotDeserialize | 151 | |
ContentRegexValidationFailOnProperty | 152 | |
ContentMaxLengthFailOnProperty | 153 | |
ContentPropertyUnexpectedDeserializationError | 154 | |
ContentPropertyRequired | 155 | |
ContentCannotCreateFile | 156 | |
ContentInvalidMigrationFile | 157 | |
ContentMigrationAlteringProcessedItem | 158 | |
ContentPropertyDefinitionNotFound | 159 | |
ContentReviewDataChanged | 160 | |
ContentRollbackRevisionNotInPackage | 161 | |
ContentItemNotBasedOnLatestRevision | 162 | |
ContentUnauthorized | 163 | |
ContentCannotCreateDeploymentPackage | 164 | |
ContentUserNotFound | 165 | |
ContentLocalePermissionDenied | 166 | |
ContentInvalidLinkToInternalEnvironment | 167 | |
ContentInvalidBlacklistedContent | 168 | |
ContentMacroMalformedNoContentId | 169 | |
ContentMacroMalformedNoTemplateType | 170 | |
ContentIllegalBNetMembershipId | 171 | |
ContentLocaleDidNotMatchExpected | 172 | |
ContentBabelCallFailed | 173 | |
ContentEnglishPostLiveForbidden | 174 | |
ContentLocaleEditPermissionDenied | 175 | |
UserNonUniqueName | 200 | |
UserManualLinkingStepRequired | 201 | |
UserCreateUnknownSqlResult | 202 | |
UserCreateUnknownSqlException | 203 | |
UserMalformedMembershipId | 204 | |
UserCannotFindRequestedUser | 205 | |
UserCannotLoadAccountCredentialLinkInfo | 206 | |
UserInvalidMobileAppType | 207 | |
UserMissingMobilePairingInfo | 208 | |
UserCannotGenerateMobileKeyWhileUsingMobileCredential | 209 | |
UserGenerateMobileKeyExistingSlotCollision | 210 | |
UserDisplayNameMissingOrInvalid | 211 | |
UserCannotLoadAccountProfileData | 212 | |
UserCannotSaveUserProfileData | 213 | |
UserEmailMissingOrInvalid | 214 | |
UserTermsOfUseRequired | 215 | |
UserCannotCreateNewAccountWhileLoggedIn | 216 | |
UserCannotResolveCentralAccount | 217 | |
UserInvalidAvatar | 218 | |
UserMissingCreatedUserResult | 219 | |
UserCannotChangeUniqueNameYet | 220 | |
UserCannotChangeDisplayNameYet | 221 | |
UserCannotChangeEmail | 222 | |
UserUniqueNameMustStartWithLetter | 223 | |
UserNoLinkedAccountsSupportFriendListings | 224 | |
UserAcknowledgmentTableFull | 225 | |
UserCreationDestinyMembershipRequired | 226 | |
UserFriendsTokenNeedsRefresh | 227 | |
MessagingUnknownError | 300 | |
MessagingSelfError | 301 | |
MessagingSendThrottle | 302 | |
MessagingNoBody | 303 | |
MessagingTooManyUsers | 304 | |
MessagingCanNotLeaveConversation | 305 | |
MessagingUnableToSend | 306 | |
MessagingDeletedUserForbidden | 307 | |
MessagingCannotDeleteExternalConversation | 308 | |
MessagingGroupChatDisabled | 309 | |
MessagingMustIncludeSelfInPrivateMessage | 310 | |
MessagingSenderIsBanned | 311 | |
MessagingGroupOptionalChatExceededMaximum | 312 | |
AddSurveyAnswersUnknownSqlException | 400 | |
ForumBodyCannotBeEmpty | 500 | |
ForumSubjectCannotBeEmptyOnTopicPost | 501 | |
ForumCannotLocateParentPost | 502 | |
ForumThreadLockedForReplies | 503 | |
ForumUnknownSqlResultDuringCreatePost | 504 | |
ForumUnknownTagCreationError | 505 | |
ForumUnknownSqlResultDuringTagItem | 506 | |
ForumUnknownExceptionCreatePost | 507 | |
ForumQuestionMustBeTopicPost | 508 | |
ForumExceptionDuringTagSearch | 509 | |
ForumExceptionDuringTopicRetrieval | 510 | |
ForumAliasedTagError | 511 | |
ForumCannotLocateThread | 512 | |
ForumUnknownExceptionEditPost | 513 | |
ForumCannotLocatePost | 514 | |
ForumUnknownExceptionGetOrCreateTags | 515 | |
ForumEditPermissionDenied | 516 | |
ForumUnknownSqlResultDuringTagIdRetrieval | 517 | |
ForumCannotGetRating | 518 | |
ForumUnknownExceptionGetRating | 519 | |
ForumRatingsAccessError | 520 | |
ForumRelatedPostAccessError | 521 | |
ForumLatestReplyAccessError | 522 | |
ForumUserStatusAccessError | 523 | |
ForumAuthorAccessError | 524 | |
ForumGroupAccessError | 525 | |
ForumUrlExpectedButMissing | 526 | |
ForumRepliesCannotBeEmpty | 527 | |
ForumRepliesCannotBeInDifferentGroups | 528 | |
ForumSubTopicCannotBeCreatedAtThisThreadLevel | 529 | |
ForumCannotCreateContentTopic | 530 | |
ForumTopicDoesNotExist | 531 | |
ForumContentCommentsNotAllowed | 532 | |
ForumUnknownSqlResultDuringEditPost | 533 | |
ForumUnknownSqlResultDuringGetPost | 534 | |
ForumPostValidationBadUrl | 535 | |
ForumBodyTooLong | 536 | |
ForumSubjectTooLong | 537 | |
ForumAnnouncementNotAllowed | 538 | |
ForumCannotShareOwnPost | 539 | |
ForumEditNoOp | 540 | |
ForumUnknownDatabaseErrorDuringGetPost | 541 | |
ForumExceeedMaximumRowLimit | 542 | |
ForumCannotSharePrivatePost | 543 | |
ForumCannotCrossPostBetweenGroups | 544 | |
ForumIncompatibleCategories | 555 | |
ForumCannotUseTheseCategoriesOnNonTopicPost | 556 | |
ForumCanOnlyDeleteTopics | 557 | |
ForumDeleteSqlException | 558 | |
ForumDeleteSqlUnknownResult | 559 | |
ForumTooManyTags | 560 | |
ForumCanOnlyRateTopics | 561 | |
ForumBannedPostsCannotBeEdited | 562 | |
ForumThreadRootIsBanned | 563 | |
ForumCannotUseOfficialTagCategoryAsTag | 564 | |
ForumAnswerCannotBeMadeOnCreatePost | 565 | |
ForumAnswerCannotBeMadeOnEditPost | 566 | |
ForumAnswerPostIdIsNotADirectReplyOfQuestion | 567 | |
ForumAnswerTopicIdIsNotAQuestion | 568 | |
ForumUnknownExceptionDuringMarkAnswer | 569 | |
ForumUnknownSqlResultDuringMarkAnswer | 570 | |
ForumCannotRateYourOwnPosts | 571 | |
ForumPollsMustBeTheFirstPostInTopic | 572 | |
ForumInvalidPollInput | 573 | |
ForumGroupAdminEditNonMember | 574 | |
ForumCannotEditModeratorEditedPost | 575 | |
ForumRequiresDestinyMembership | 576 | |
ForumUnexpectedError | 577 | |
ForumAgeLock | 578 | |
ForumMaxPages | 579 | |
ForumMaxPagesOldestFirst | 580 | |
ForumCannotApplyForumIdWithoutTags | 581 | |
ForumCannotApplyForumIdToNonTopics | 582 | |
ForumCannotDownvoteCommunityCreations | 583 | |
ForumTopicsMustHaveOfficialCategory | 584 | |
ForumRecruitmentTopicMalformed | 585 | |
ForumRecruitmentTopicNotFound | 586 | |
ForumRecruitmentTopicNoSlotsRemaining | 587 | |
ForumRecruitmentTopicKickBan | 588 | |
ForumRecruitmentTopicRequirementsNotMet | 589 | |
ForumRecruitmentTopicNoPlayers | 590 | |
ForumRecruitmentApproveFailMessageBan | 591 | |
ForumRecruitmentGlobalBan | 592 | |
ForumUserBannedFromThisTopic | 593 | |
ForumRecruitmentFireteamMembersOnly | 594 | |
GroupMembershipApplicationAlreadyResolved | 601 | |
GroupMembershipAlreadyApplied | 602 | |
GroupMembershipInsufficientPrivileges | 603 | |
GroupIdNotReturnedFromCreation | 604 | |
GroupSearchInvalidParameters | 605 | |
GroupMembershipPendingApplicationNotFound | 606 | |
GroupInvalidId | 607 | |
GroupInvalidMembershipId | 608 | |
GroupInvalidMembershipType | 609 | |
GroupMissingTags | 610 | |
GroupMembershipNotFound | 611 | |
GroupInvalidRating | 612 | |
GroupUserFollowingAccessError | 613 | |
GroupUserMembershipAccessError | 614 | |
GroupCreatorAccessError | 615 | |
GroupAdminAccessError | 616 | |
GroupPrivatePostNotViewable | 617 | |
GroupMembershipNotLoggedIn | 618 | |
GroupNotDeleted | 619 | |
GroupUnknownErrorUndeletingGroup | 620 | |
GroupDeleted | 621 | |
GroupNotFound | 622 | |
GroupMemberBanned | 623 | |
GroupMembershipClosed | 624 | |
GroupPrivatePostOverrideError | 625 | |
GroupNameTaken | 626 | |
GroupDeletionGracePeriodExpired | 627 | |
GroupCannotCheckBanStatus | 628 | |
GroupMaximumMembershipCountReached | 629 | |
NoDestinyAccountForClanPlatform | 630 | |
AlreadyRequestingMembershipForClanPlatform | 631 | |
AlreadyClanMemberOnPlatform | 632 | |
GroupJoinedCannotSetClanName | 633 | |
GroupLeftCannotClearClanName | 634 | |
GroupRelationshipRequestPending | 635 | |
GroupRelationshipRequestBlocked | 636 | |
GroupRelationshipRequestNotFound | 637 | |
GroupRelationshipBlockNotFound | 638 | |
GroupRelationshipNotFound | 639 | |
GroupAlreadyAllied | 641 | |
GroupAlreadyMember | 642 | |
GroupRelationshipAlreadyExists | 643 | |
InvalidGroupTypesForRelationshipRequest | 644 | |
GroupAtMaximumAlliances | 646 | |
GroupCannotSetClanOnlySettings | 647 | |
ClanCannotSetTwoDefaultPostTypes | 648 | |
GroupMemberInvalidMemberType | 649 | |
GroupInvalidPlatformType | 650 | |
GroupMemberInvalidSort | 651 | |
GroupInvalidResolveState | 652 | |
ClanAlreadyEnabledForPlatform | 653 | |
ClanNotEnabledForPlatform | 654 | |
ClanEnabledButCouldNotJoinNoAccount | 655 | |
ClanEnabledButCouldNotJoinAlreadyMember | 656 | |
ClanCannotJoinNoCredential | 657 | |
NoClanMembershipForPlatform | 658 | |
GroupToGroupFollowLimitReached | 659 | |
ChildGroupAlreadyInAlliance | 660 | |
OwnerGroupAlreadyInAlliance | 661 | |
AllianceOwnerCannotJoinAlliance | 662 | |
GroupNotInAlliance | 663 | |
ChildGroupCannotInviteToAlliance | 664 | |
GroupToGroupAlreadyFollowed | 665 | |
GroupToGroupNotFollowing | 666 | |
ClanMaximumMembershipReached | 667 | |
ClanNameNotValid | 668 | |
ClanNameNotValidError | 669 | |
AllianceOwnerNotDefined | 670 | |
AllianceChildNotDefined | 671 | |
ClanCultureIllegalCharacters | 672 | |
ClanTagIllegalCharacters | 673 | |
ClanRequiresInvitation | 674 | |
ClanMembershipClosed | 675 | |
ClanInviteAlreadyMember | 676 | |
GroupInviteAlreadyMember | 677 | |
GroupJoinApprovalRequired | 678 | |
ClanTagRequired | 679 | |
GroupNameCannotStartOrEndWithWhiteSpace | 680 | |
ClanCallsignCannotStartOrEndWithWhiteSpace | 681 | |
ClanMigrationFailed | 682 | |
ClanNotEnabledAlreadyMemberOfAnotherClan | 683 | |
GroupModerationNotPermittedOnNonMembers | 684 | |
ClanCreationInWorldServerFailed | 685 | |
ClanNotFound | 686 | |
ClanMembershipLevelDoesNotPermitThatAction | 687 | |
ClanMemberNotFound | 688 | |
ClanMissingMembershipApprovers | 689 | |
ClanInWrongStateForRequestedAction | 690 | |
ClanNameAlreadyUsed | 691 | |
ClanTooFewMembers | 692 | |
ClanInfoCannotBeWhitespace | 693 | |
GroupCultureThrottle | 694 | |
ClanTargetDisallowsInvites | 695 | |
ClanInvalidOperation | 696 | |
ClanFounderCannotLeaveWithoutAbdication | 697 | |
ClanNameReserved | 698 | |
ClanApplicantInClanSoNowInvited | 699 | |
ActivitiesUnknownException | 701 | |
ActivitiesParameterNull | 702 | |
ActivityCountsDiabled | 703 | |
ActivitySearchInvalidParameters | 704 | |
ActivityPermissionDenied | 705 | |
ShareAlreadyShared | 706 | |
ActivityLoggingDisabled | 707 | |
ItemAlreadyFollowed | 801 | |
ItemNotFollowed | 802 | |
CannotFollowSelf | 803 | |
GroupFollowLimitExceeded | 804 | |
TagFollowLimitExceeded | 805 | |
UserFollowLimitExceeded | 806 | |
FollowUnsupportedEntityType | 807 | |
NoValidTagsInList | 900 | |
BelowMinimumSuggestionLength | 901 | |
CannotGetSuggestionsOnMultipleTagsSimultaneously | 902 | |
NotAValidPartialTag | 903 | |
TagSuggestionsUnknownSqlResult | 904 | |
TagsUnableToLoadPopularTagsFromDatabase | 905 | |
TagInvalid | 906 | |
TagNotFound | 907 | |
SingleTagExpected | 908 | |
TagsExceededMaximumPerItem | 909 | |
IgnoreInvalidParameters | 1000 | |
IgnoreSqlException | 1001 | |
IgnoreErrorRetrievingGroupPermissions | 1002 | |
IgnoreErrorInsufficientPermission | 1003 | |
IgnoreErrorRetrievingItem | 1004 | |
IgnoreCannotIgnoreSelf | 1005 | |
IgnoreIllegalType | 1006 | |
IgnoreNotFound | 1007 | |
IgnoreUserGloballyIgnored | 1008 | |
IgnoreUserIgnored | 1009 | |
NotificationSettingInvalid | 1100 | |
PsnApiExpiredAccessToken | 1204 | |
PSNExForbidden | 1205 | |
PSNExSystemDisabled | 1218 | |
PsnApiErrorCodeUnknown | 1223 | |
PsnApiErrorWebException | 1224 | |
PsnApiBadRequest | 1225 | |
PsnApiAccessTokenRequired | 1226 | |
PsnApiInvalidAccessToken | 1227 | |
PsnApiBannedUser | 1229 | |
PsnApiAccountUpgradeRequired | 1230 | |
PsnApiServiceTemporarilyUnavailable | 1231 | |
PsnApiServerBusy | 1232 | |
PsnApiUnderMaintenance | 1233 | |
PsnApiProfileUserNotFound | 1234 | |
PsnApiProfilePrivacyRestriction | 1235 | |
PsnApiProfileUnderMaintenance | 1236 | |
PsnApiAccountAttributeMissing | 1237 | |
XblExSystemDisabled | 1300 | |
XblExUnknownError | 1301 | |
XblApiErrorWebException | 1302 | |
XblStsTokenInvalid | 1303 | |
XblStsMissingToken | 1304 | |
XblStsExpiredToken | 1305 | |
XblAccessToTheSandboxDenied | 1306 | |
XblMsaResponseMissing | 1307 | |
XblMsaAccessTokenExpired | 1308 | |
XblMsaInvalidRequest | 1309 | |
XblMsaFriendsRequireSignIn | 1310 | |
XblUserActionRequired | 1311 | |
XblParentalControls | 1312 | |
XblDeveloperAccount | 1313 | |
XblUserTokenExpired | 1314 | |
XblUserTokenInvalid | 1315 | |
XblOffline | 1316 | |
XblUnknownErrorCode | 1317 | |
XblMsaInvalidGrant | 1318 | |
ReportNotYetResolved | 1400 | |
ReportOverturnDoesNotChangeDecision | 1401 | |
ReportNotFound | 1402 | |
ReportAlreadyReported | 1403 | |
ReportInvalidResolution | 1404 | |
ReportNotAssignedToYou | 1405 | |
LegacyGameStatsSystemDisabled | 1500 | |
LegacyGameStatsUnknownError | 1501 | |
LegacyGameStatsMalformedSneakerNetCode | 1502 | |
DestinyAccountAcquisitionFailure | 1600 | |
DestinyAccountNotFound | 1601 | |
DestinyBuildStatsDatabaseError | 1602 | |
DestinyCharacterStatsDatabaseError | 1603 | |
DestinyPvPStatsDatabaseError | 1604 | |
DestinyPvEStatsDatabaseError | 1605 | |
DestinyGrimoireStatsDatabaseError | 1606 | |
DestinyStatsParameterMembershipTypeParseError | 1607 | |
DestinyStatsParameterMembershipIdParseError | 1608 | |
DestinyStatsParameterRangeParseError | 1609 | |
DestinyStringItemHashNotFound | 1610 | |
DestinyStringSetNotFound | 1611 | |
DestinyContentLookupNotFoundForKey | 1612 | |
DestinyContentItemNotFound | 1613 | |
DestinyContentSectionNotFound | 1614 | |
DestinyContentPropertyNotFound | 1615 | |
DestinyContentConfigNotFound | 1616 | |
DestinyContentPropertyBucketValueNotFound | 1617 | |
DestinyUnexpectedError | 1618 | |
DestinyInvalidAction | 1619 | |
DestinyCharacterNotFound | 1620 | |
DestinyInvalidFlag | 1621 | |
DestinyInvalidRequest | 1622 | |
DestinyItemNotFound | 1623 | |
DestinyInvalidCustomizationChoices | 1624 | |
DestinyVendorItemNotFound | 1625 | |
DestinyInternalError | 1626 | |
DestinyVendorNotFound | 1627 | |
DestinyRecentActivitiesDatabaseError | 1628 | |
DestinyItemBucketNotFound | 1629 | |
DestinyInvalidMembershipType | 1630 | |
DestinyVersionIncompatibility | 1631 | |
DestinyItemAlreadyInInventory | 1632 | |
DestinyBucketNotFound | 1633 | |
DestinyCharacterNotInTower | 1634 | Note: This is one of those holdovers from Destiny 1. We didn't change the enum because I am lazy, but in Destiny 2 this would read "DestinyCharacterNotInSocialSpace" |
DestinyCharacterNotLoggedIn | 1635 | |
DestinyDefinitionsNotLoaded | 1636 | |
DestinyInventoryFull | 1637 | |
DestinyItemFailedLevelCheck | 1638 | |
DestinyItemFailedUnlockCheck | 1639 | |
DestinyItemUnequippable | 1640 | |
DestinyItemUniqueEquipRestricted | 1641 | |
DestinyNoRoomInDestination | 1642 | |
DestinyServiceFailure | 1643 | |
DestinyServiceRetired | 1644 | |
DestinyTransferFailed | 1645 | |
DestinyTransferNotFoundForSourceBucket | 1646 | |
DestinyUnexpectedResultInVendorTransferCheck | 1647 | |
DestinyUniquenessViolation | 1648 | |
DestinyErrorDeserializationFailure | 1649 | |
DestinyValidAccountTicketRequired | 1650 | |
DestinyShardRelayClientTimeout | 1651 | |
DestinyShardRelayProxyTimeout | 1652 | |
DestinyPGCRNotFound | 1653 | |
DestinyAccountMustBeOffline | 1654 | |
DestinyCanOnlyEquipInGame | 1655 | |
DestinyCannotPerformActionOnEquippedItem | 1656 | |
DestinyQuestAlreadyCompleted | 1657 | |
DestinyQuestAlreadyTracked | 1658 | |
DestinyTrackableQuestsFull | 1659 | |
DestinyItemNotTransferrable | 1660 | |
DestinyVendorPurchaseNotAllowed | 1661 | |
DestinyContentVersionMismatch | 1662 | |
DestinyItemActionForbidden | 1663 | |
DestinyRefundInvalid | 1664 | |
DestinyPrivacyRestriction | 1665 | |
DestinyActionInsufficientPrivileges | 1666 | |
DestinyInvalidClaimException | 1667 | |
DestinyLegacyPlatformRestricted | 1668 | |
DestinyLegacyPlatformInUse | 1669 | |
DestinyLegacyPlatformInaccessible | 1670 | |
DestinyCannotPerformActionAtThisLocation | 1671 | |
DestinyThrottledByGameServer | 1672 | |
DestinyItemNotTransferrableHasSideEffects | 1673 | |
FbInvalidRequest | 1800 | |
FbRedirectMismatch | 1801 | |
FbAccessDenied | 1802 | |
FbUnsupportedResponseType | 1803 | |
FbInvalidScope | 1804 | |
FbUnsupportedGrantType | 1805 | |
FbInvalidGrant | 1806 | |
InvitationExpired | 1900 | |
InvitationUnknownType | 1901 | |
InvitationInvalidResponseStatus | 1902 | |
InvitationInvalidType | 1903 | |
InvitationAlreadyPending | 1904 | |
InvitationInsufficientPermission | 1905 | |
InvitationInvalidCode | 1906 | |
InvitationInvalidTargetState | 1907 | |
InvitationCannotBeReactivated | 1908 | |
InvitationNoRecipients | 1910 | |
InvitationGroupCannotSendToSelf | 1911 | |
InvitationTooManyRecipients | 1912 | |
InvitationInvalid | 1913 | |
InvitationNotFound | 1914 | |
TokenInvalid | 2000 | |
TokenBadFormat | 2001 | |
TokenAlreadyClaimed | 2002 | |
TokenAlreadyClaimedSelf | 2003 | |
TokenThrottling | 2004 | |
TokenUnknownRedemptionFailure | 2005 | |
TokenPurchaseClaimFailedAfterTokenClaimed | 2006 | |
TokenUserAlreadyOwnsOffer | 2007 | |
TokenInvalidOfferKey | 2008 | |
TokenEmailNotValidated | 2009 | |
TokenProvisioningBadVendorOrOffer | 2010 | |
TokenPurchaseHistoryUnknownError | 2011 | |
TokenThrottleStateUnknownError | 2012 | |
TokenUserAgeNotVerified | 2013 | |
TokenExceededOfferMaximum | 2014 | |
TokenNoAvailableUnlocks | 2015 | |
TokenMarketplaceInvalidPlatform | 2016 | |
TokenNoMarketplaceCodesFound | 2017 | |
TokenOfferNotAvailableForRedemption | 2018 | |
TokenUnlockPartialFailure | 2019 | |
TokenMarketplaceInvalidRegion | 2020 | |
TokenOfferExpired | 2021 | |
RAFExceededMaximumReferrals | 2022 | |
RAFDuplicateBond | 2023 | |
RAFNoValidVeteranDestinyMembershipsFound | 2024 | |
RAFNotAValidVeteranUser | 2025 | |
RAFCodeAlreadyClaimedOrNotFound | 2026 | |
RAFMismatchedDestinyMembershipType | 2027 | |
RAFUnableToAccessPurchaseHistory | 2028 | |
RAFUnableToCreateBond | 2029 | |
RAFUnableToFindBond | 2030 | |
RAFUnableToRemoveBond | 2031 | |
RAFCannotBondToSelf | 2032 | |
RAFInvalidPlatform | 2033 | |
RAFGenerateThrottled | 2034 | |
RAFUnableToCreateBondVersionMismatch | 2035 | |
RAFUnableToRemoveBondVersionMismatch | 2036 | |
RAFRedeemThrottled | 2037 | |
NoAvailableDiscountCode | 2038 | |
DiscountAlreadyClaimed | 2039 | |
DiscountClaimFailure | 2040 | |
DiscountConfigurationFailure | 2041 | |
DiscountGenerationFailure | 2042 | |
DiscountAlreadyExists | 2043 | |
TokenRequiresCredentialXuid | 2044 | |
TokenRequiresCredentialPsnid | 2045 | |
OfferRequired | 2046 | |
ApiExceededMaxKeys | 2100 | |
ApiInvalidOrExpiredKey | 2101 | |
ApiKeyMissingFromRequest | 2102 | |
ApplicationDisabled | 2103 | |
ApplicationExceededMax | 2104 | |
ApplicationDisallowedByScope | 2105 | |
AuthorizationCodeInvalid | 2106 | |
OriginHeaderDoesNotMatchKey | 2107 | |
AccessNotPermittedByApplicationScope | 2108 | |
ApplicationNameIsTaken | 2109 | |
RefreshTokenNotYetValid | 2110 | |
AccessTokenHasExpired | 2111 | |
ApplicationTokenFormatNotValid | 2112 | |
ApplicationNotConfiguredForBungieAuth | 2113 | |
ApplicationNotConfiguredForOAuth | 2114 | |
OAuthAccessTokenExpired | 2115 | |
PartnershipInvalidType | 2200 | |
PartnershipValidationError | 2201 | |
PartnershipValidationTimeout | 2202 | |
PartnershipAccessFailure | 2203 | |
PartnershipAccountInvalid | 2204 | |
PartnershipGetAccountInfoFailure | 2205 | |
PartnershipDisabled | 2206 | |
PartnershipAlreadyExists | 2207 | |
CommunityStreamingUnavailable | 2300 | |
TwitchNotLinked | 2500 | |
TwitchAccountNotFound | 2501 | |
TwitchCouldNotLoadDestinyInfo | 2502 | |
TrendingCategoryNotFound | 2600 | |
TrendingEntryTypeNotSupported | 2601 | |
ReportOffenderNotInPgcr | 2700 | |
ReportRequestorNotInPgcr | 2701 | |
ReportSubmissionFailed | 2702 |